The table below is a list of Irish left publications—those included in our digital collection and others of which we are aware.

Entries highlighted in grey aren't currently listed in the archive. Of those, in some cases issues or even whole archives are available elsewhere online; particularly more recent publications, which are often available in PDF form on publication. Where we can, we will link to those on the relevant organisation's page. In other cases there is limited information available and we'd be glad to hear from anyone with knowledge of them.

If you were involved in or have examples of any of the publications that aren't available in our collection or elsewhere, please get in touch with us.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to John Goodwillie for pointing us to his article Lesser Marxist Movements in Ireland: a Bibliography, 1934-1984 (Saothar, 11, 1986. pp.116–123), to Conor McCabe for his work compiling Irish left/progressive publications 1880 2004, and to Ciarán Crossey for providing several additions to the bibliography.

A Belfast Magazine19861995Athol Books
A Woman's Voice19881989 c.Sinn Féin
Advance1971 c.1977 c.Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]
Ainriail [Belfast]: A Belfast Anarchist Bi-Monthly19851987Belfast Anarchist Collective
Ainriail [Galway]: An Irish Anarchist Bi-Monthly1995 c.1996 c.Frontline Collective
Alternative, The19831988 [Irregular]Sinn Féin
Anarchist News1994 c.2005 c.Workers' Solidarity Movement
Anarchist Worker1978 c.1981 c.Anarchist Workers Alliance
Anti-Extradition News19901992 c.Dublin Anti-Extradition Committee
Anti-Imperialist Bulletin1972 c.Trinity Anti-Imperialist Propaganda Committee
Antrim Alternative19851986 c.Ballymena Anarchist Group
Armagh / H-Block NewsUnknownArmagh/H-Block Action Group
Ballymun Echo1982
Ballymun NewsUnknown
Banshee: Journal of Irishwomen United19751977Irish Women United
Barricade Bulletin: For Class Struggle Anarchism2016Derry Anarchist Collective
Barricades Bulletin1969Young Socialists [DLP]
Beir Bua20012009 c. [Irregular]32 County Sovereignty Movement
Belfast CND Newsletter19821985 [Irregular]Northern Ireland Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Bell, The19401954
Black Star19811984, 2021Ballymena Anarchist Group, Organise!
Blanket, The: A Journal of Protest and Dissent20022008
Bottom Dog, The: The working class paper of North Munster19751981 c.
Bulletin of the Republican Socialist Tendency1979Republican Socialist Tendency
Campaigner, The: Establishing the Rights of the Unemployed in the South Inner City1992Connolly Centre for the Unemployed
Caorthann, An: Green and alternative info and ideas19941998Green Party
Captive Voice, The (An Glór Gafa): The Voice of Irish Republican Prisoners of War19891999
Catalyst: Empowerment, Ecology, EvolutionUnknown
Catalyst [SA]: News from Socialist Alternative2002 c.2004 c.Socialist Alternative
Church and State: A Journal of Secular Opinion1980 c.Athol Books
Citizen Press1969Central Citizens Defence Committee
Class Politics1983The Workers' Party
Class Struggle19771995Irish Workers' Group [1976]
Class War2022Organise!
Class War19941996 c.Class War
Comment: For the working class - the class that holds the future in its hands1973 c.1983 c.British and Irish Communist Organisation
Comment [Labour]19651968Labour
Communist Comment1969 c.1973 c.Irish Communist Organisation, British and Irish Communist Organisation
Communist Review1974British and Irish Communist Organisation
Communist Times19751976 c.British and Irish Communist Organisation
Communist, The19671986Irish Communist Organisation, British and Irish Communist Organisation
Confrontation1969Students for Democratic Action
Congress '8619861991League of Communist Republicans
Coolock News19881991 [Irregular]Sinn Féin
Cork Worker19711972Cork Communist Organisation
Cuba TodayUnknownCuba Support Group Ireland
Cutting Edge1995 c.Democratic Left
Dawn Magazine: An Irish Magazine on Nonviolent Action, Civil Liberties and Movements for Change19741985Dawn Group
Democratic Left1996 c.Democratic Left
Democratic Socialist, The19831985Democratic Socialist Party
Detonator1969Revolutionary Socialist Student Federation
Disarm19821988Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Dispatch19821983 c.Democratic Socialist Party
Dublin News19992006 [Irregular]Sinn Féin
Dublin West Independent Labour NewsUnknownIndependent Labour [CWI]
Dun Laoghaire Newsletter1978 c.Socialist Labour Party
Eochair, An: A Bulletin of the Irish Republican Movement, Long Kesh1973 c.1977 c.Sinn Féin [Official]
Fenian, The (Guth na Phoblachta)19952002 c.Sinn Féin
Fianna: The Voice of Young Ireland1964 c.Na Fianna Éireann [Pre 1970]
Fightback1992 c.1993 c.Irish Workers' Group [1976]
Fightback [IMT]: The Marxist Voice of Labour and Youth20092012 c.International Marxist Tendency in Ireland
Fingal VoiceUnknownSocialist Party
Finglas News19881989, 19992001Sinn Féin
Focalín: Ireland's Satirical MagazineUnknown
Focus: Internal Bulletin of the Workers' PartyUnknownThe Workers' Party
Focus [Comhlámh]: On Ireland and the Wider World1978Comhlámh
Forum20032006New Republican Forum
Forward1970 c.1988, 2005 [Irregular]Connolly Youth Movement
FourthwriteUnknownIrish Republican Writers Group
Fownes Street Journal19721974 c.Women's Liberation Movement
Free Citizen19691971People's Democracy
Free Press, The: Newspaper of the Dublin North Central Branch Democratic Left1993 c.1996 c.Democratic Left
Freedom News: Monthly Organ of Cork I.R.S.P.1985 c.Irish Republican Socialist Party
Freedom Struggle: Newspaper of North Munster I.R.S.P.1985Irish Republican Socialist Party
Galway WorkerUnknownSocialist Workers' Movement
Gay Community News: Ireland's Lesbian and Gay Newspaper1988
Ghrian Dhearg, An: Voice of MLM Ireland2020Irish Socialist Republicans
Glór na hÓige1985 c.Connolly Youth Movement
Gralton: An Irish Socialist Review19821983
GrapevineUnknownIrish School-Students Union
Grass Roots19781979Socialist Labour Party
Green Light19901996 c. [Irregular]Green Party in Northern Ireland
Green Newsletter1990 c.1996 c.Green Party
Green Party Newsletter1990 c.1991 c.Green Party in Northern Ireland
Green Voice19971999Green Party
Grille: The Irish Christian Left19681970
Hard Times19811982 c.Dublin Unemployed Action Group
Heresiarch, The: A journal of anti-theology19921999 [Irregular]Athol Books
Hospital Worker1991 c.Socialist Workers' Movement
Hunger Strike Bulletin19801981 c.Irish Republican Socialist Party
In the Area20102013 [Irregular]Anti-Fascist Action
INC NewsUnknownIrish National Congress
Independent Socialist1978 c.Independent Socialist Party
Inside Out1977 c.Revolutionary Struggle
Intercontinental Press19631986
Interface: A journal for and about social movements2009
International Viewpoint1982
Ireland1981 c.1987 c.Sinn Féin The Workers' Party, The Workers' Party
Ireland from Below: Reporting Community Struggles20062009 c.
Ireland Information1986 c.Connolly Youth Movement
Iris: The Republican Magazine19811993, 2005Sinn Féin
Iris Bheag19871990Sinn Féin
Irish Anarchist Review20102015 c.Workers' Solidarity Movement
Irish Citizen Army Bulletin19341935
Irish Communist: Theoretical organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland1934Communist Party of Ireland
Irish Communist, The: A theoretical journal of the British and Irish Communist Organisation19651986British and Irish Communist Organisation
Irish Democrat: A Weekly Organ of Progressive and Labour Opinion1937Communist Party of Ireland
Irish Front, The19341937Republican Congress
Irish Hammer and Plough, The1926Workers Party of Ireland
Irish Left, The1977 c.Independent Socialist Party
Irish Marxist Bulletin1984 c.Militant
Irish Marxist Review2012Socialist Workers' Party, Socialist Workers' Network
Irish Militant: For an Irish Workers' Republic19661968Irish Workers' Group [1966]
Irish People, The (An Choismhuintir)19731991Sinn Féin [Official], The Workers' Party
Irish Political Review1986Athol Books
Irish Press19311995
Irish Reporter19901998
Irish Socialist19651989 c.Irish Workers' Party, Communist Party of Ireland
Irish Socialist Review19701991 c. [Irregular]Communist Party of Ireland
Irish Student, The19671973 c.Irish Student Movement
Irish Trotskyist19721974Revolutionary Marxist Group
Irish Worker19111914, 19231932Irish Worker League
Irish Worker, The1980 c.League for a Workers Republic
Irish Workers' News19641966Irish Communist Group
Irish Workers' Voice, The19301941, 19492003Revolutionary Workers' Groups, Communist Party of Ireland, Irish Workers' League
Jail JournalUnknownPrisoners' Rights Organisation
Kildare North Bulletin1996 c.Democratic Left
Labour: Official Organ of The Labour Party1967 c.1970 c.Labour
Labour Action1970Socialist Labour Action Group
Labour Challenge19701971 [Irregular]Northern Ireland Labour Party
Labour Comment19841990 c.
Labour Forum19791980 [Irregular]United Labour Party
Labour History NewsUnknownIrish Labour History Society
Labour in Ulster1966Northern Ireland Labour Party
Labour Left1983 c.1985 c.Labour Left
Labour Left Briefing1984 c.Labour Left
Labour News: Organ of the Irish Labour Movement19361938Labour
Labour News: Official organ of Labour Party in Dublin South-West19651966Labour
Labour News [FLG]1997 c.1999Federation of Labour Groups
Labour News Bulletin: A Head Office Monthly for Party Members1970 c.1972 c.Labour
Labour Opposition, The19251926Labour
Lagan Leader, The1988 c.The Workers' Party
Lámh Dhearg, An1971 c.Coiste Troda Gaedhealtacht Dhún na nGall
Leeside People, The1992 c.1993 c.The Workers' Party
Left Perspectives19801983
Left Republican Review20002006 c.
Left Tribune: Proud to be left, proud to be Labour1986Labour Youth
Leftline2006 c.Irish Socialist Network
Leveller, The2009Organise! (Solidarity Federation)
Liberties Republican1981Sinn Féin
Liberty MagazineUnknownIrish Transport and General Workers' Union
Liberty News1985Irish Transport and General Workers' Union
Limerick Socialist19721981Limerick Socialist Organisation
Limerick-Shannon People's Rights1966 c.Limerick-Shannon Anti-Cheap Labour League
Look Left2006The Workers' Party
Making Sense19881992The Workers' Party
Marxist Forum19891990 c.Socialist Revolutionary Group of Ireland
Marxist Journal19741977 c.Workers' League
Marxist Review: Theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Marxist Group19721976 c.Revolutionary Marxist Group
Marxist Voice2023International Marxist Tendency in Ireland
Marxist-Leninist Journal: Organ of The Central Committee of The Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)19881989 c.Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Marxist-Leninist Weekly: Organ of The Central Committee of The Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)19851991 c.Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Militant: For A Socialist United Ireland19721996Militant
Militant Irish Monthly19721986Militant
Militant Labour Member's Bulletin1993 c.1995 c.Militant Labour
Militant Labour Women's Bulletin1993 c.Militant Labour
Militant Left2021Militant Left
National Crumb, The19831984Cork Unemployed Action Group
National Youth Committee Newsletter1983 c.1985 c. [Irregular]Labour
New Agenda19921996 c.Democratic Left
New Left Journal20062007 c.Socialist Workers' Party
News Sheet of the International Socialist League1985 c.International Socialist League of Ireland
NILP News19721973Northern Ireland Labour Party
No Quarter: Ireland's Anti-Fascist Magazine20022013 c. [Irregular]Anti-Fascist Action
Northern Informer1969 c.People's Democracy
Northern Ireland Report19921996
Northern People, The1980 c.2000 c.The Workers' Party
Northern Star [PD]19701972 c.People's Democracy
Northern Star, The: Incorporating Workers' Weekly19882004 c.Athol Books
Notes and Comments: Internal Newsletter of Sinn Féin the Workers PartyUnknownSinn Féin The Workers' Party
Nuacht19871989 c.Sinn Féin
Nuacht Féirste19861987Sinn Féin
Nuclear Free19851988 c.Northern Ireland Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Organise!1986 c.1997 c.Ballymena Anarchist Group, Organise!
Other View, TheUnknown
Outta Control1980 c.1984 c.Belfast Anarchist Collective
Partisan, The1982 c.Labour
Pavee: The Voice of The Travelling PeopleUnknownCommittee for the Rights of Travellers
PD Voice1969People's Democracy
People's Voice19681969Saor Éire [Cork]
Peoples Rights: Official Organ of the Peoples Rights Committee19681969Peoples Rights Committee
Phoblacht Abú, An2019 c.Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland
Phoblacht Republican News, An1979Sinn Féin
Phoblacht, An19702017Sinn Féin
Phoblacht, An [IRF]19651967Irish Revolutionary Forces
Plough, The: South Down/South Armagh's own republican paper19731978 c.Sinn Féin [Official]
Plough, The: Towards an Irish Workers Republic19711975Revolutionary Marxist Group
Poblacht na nOibrithe20122014 c.Éirígí
Proletarian [COBI]: Journal of the Communist Organisation in the British Isles19741977 c.Communist Organisation in the British Isles
Proletarian, The [ISLI]: Paper of the International Socialist League of Ireland19871989 [Irregular]International Socialist League of Ireland
Radio Active Times1982 c.Northern Ireland Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Ramparts19681971 c.Northern Ireland Labour Party
Reabhloid, An: Journal of People's Democracy1984 c.1992 c.People's Democracy
Rebel1978 c.1982 c.Revolutionary Struggle
Rebel Worker19981999 c.Organise!
Red & Black Revolution19942009Workers' Solidarity Movement
Red Banner: A Magazine of Socialist Ideas19972016
Red Banner [ISLI]: Paper of the Young Socialists, youth section of the International Socialist League19861990 c.Young Socialists [ISLI]
Red Bellows1977 c.Revolutionary Struggle
Red Patriot (An Tírghráthóir Dearg): Workers of all countries unite!19691984 c.Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Red Woman1981 c.Socialist Workers' Movement
Republican Bulletin (Iris na Poblachta)19861987Republican Sinn Féin
Republican Congress19341935Republican Congress
Republican News: The Voice of Republican Ulster19701979Sinn Féin
Republican News [Trinity]19681970Sinn Féin [Pre 1970]
Republican Worker: Monthly Newssheet of Sinn Féin (Cork City)1974 c.1976 c.Sinn Féin [Official]
Resistance: Ireland's Socialist Magazine20012005 c.Socialist Workers' Party
Resistance [ABC]1980Anarchist Bookshop Collective
Resistance [AFI]19952003Anarchist Federation in Ireland
Resistance [DAC]1983 c.Dublin Anarchist Collective
Resistance [ISN]20072013 c.Irish Socialist Network
Resistance [URC]1970 c.1972 c.University Republican Clubs
Revolutionary Alternative19681969Academic Freedom Committee
Revolutionary International19741975 c.League for a Workers Republic
Revolutionary Struggle1976 c.1979 c.Revolutionary Struggle
Ripening of Time, The19761982Ripening of Time Collective
Saoirse1987Republican Sinn Féin
Saoirse [IRSP]19811986 c. [Irregular]Irish Republican Socialist Party
Saorbhean: Free Woman19781980Women Against Imperialism
Scarlet Women19801982 [Irregular]Belfast Women's Collective
SDA Newsletter1970 c.Students for Democratic Action
Self Control1980 c.Belfast Anarchist Collective
Seven Stars, The1979 c.Irish Republican Socialist Party
Shankill Bulletin19781988Shankill Education Workshop
Sinn Féin: The uncensored voice of West Belfast1988 c.1999Sinn Féin
SIPTU Fightback?–2000
Sligo Star: The Peoples Paper1976 c.1977 c.Connolly Youth Movement
SLP Bulletin1979Socialist Workers' Tendency
Socialism 2000: Political Journal of the Socialist Party19982000Socialist Party
Socialist Action19821987 c.People's Democracy
Socialist Alternative: Marxist Journal of the Socialist Party2018 c.Socialist Party
Socialist Bulletin19791980 c.Labour & Trade Union Group
Socialist Comment19681970Labour
Socialist Comment19831984
Socialist Democracy20012012 c. [Irregular]Socialist Democracy
Socialist Digest19911992 c.The Workers' Party
Socialist Labour19781979 c.Socialist Labour Party
Socialist Labour Alliance News1971Socialist Labour Alliance
Socialist Monthly19701971Northern Ireland Labour Party
Socialist Party Newsletter19962002Socialist Party
Socialist Quarterly19761978Irish Marxist Society
Socialist Republic (Poblacht Shoisialach)19751983 c.Revolutionary Marxist Group, People's Democracy
Socialist Republican: Quarterly Publication of the Socialist Republican Collective1988 c.Socialist Republican Collective
Socialist Student1987 c.1988 c.The Workers' Party
Socialist View2000 c.2018 c.Socialist Party
Socialist View [WSP]19861991 c.World Socialist Party
Socialist Voice1991Communist Party of Ireland
Socialist Voice [Belfast]19962004Socialist Party
Socialist Voice [Dublin]19961997Socialist Party
Socialist Worker: For a Workers’ Republic and International Socialism19842018 c.Socialist Workers' Movement, Socialist Workers' Party, Socialist Workers' Network
Socialist Worker Review1998 c.Socialist Workers' Party
Socialist Worker Review19781979 c.Socialist Workers' Tendency
Socialist Youth1989Workers Party Youth
Socialist, The2004Socialist Party
Socialist, The [NILP]: Monthly magazine of the Northern Ireland Labour Party Left1970 c.1971 c.Northern Ireland Labour Party
Solas, An19651966Irish Communist Group, Irish Workers' Group [1966]
Solas, An2004 c.2006 c.Official Republican Movement
Solidarity20022007 c.Organise!
Solidarity [BCWG]1972Belfast Communist Workers Group
Sound PostUnknownMusicians’ Union of Ireland
Sovereign Nation, The: The Republican Voice19982010 c. [Irregular]32 County Sovereignty Movement
Spark20012006 c.Ógra Shinn Féin
Spark19781979Workers Alliance for Action
Spark, The [Waterford]19431944 c.Labour
Spartacist Ireland: For an Irish workers republic, part of a voluntary federation of workers republics in the British Isles!20022005Spartacist Group Ireland
Spectre1967 c.Labour
Spirit of Freedom19821990 c.Dublin H-Block Armagh Committee, Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Spokeswoman19841985 c.Democratic Socialist Party
Squatter1969 c.Dublin Housing Action Committee
Starry Plough, The [Derry]: Derry's Own Republican Newspaper1972 c.1974 c.Sinn Féin [Official]
Starry Plough, The [IRSP] (An Camchéachta)1975Irish Republican Socialist Party
Starry Plough, The [SF] (An Camchéachta): The Theoretical Magazine of the Republican Struggle19911994 c.Sinn Féin
Strike!: Communist youth magazine1974Connolly Youth Movement
Student Struggle1977 c.Revolutionary Struggle
SuperSpi1977 c.1978 c.Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]
t-Ógláċ, An: The Official Organ of the Irish Volunteers19181933Irish Volunteers
Taisce, An: Ireland's Conservation JournalUnknown
Teoiric: Theoretical journal of the Republican Movement19711980 c.Sinn Féin [Official], The Workers' Party
ThinkLeft: Theoretical and discussion journal of the Workers' Party2014The Workers' Party
This Week19691972
TILT: The Irish Labour Tribune1994 c.1997 c.Labour
Times Change: Quarterly Political and Cultural Review19942000 c.Democratic Left, Labour
tÓglách, An: Official Organ of the Irish Republican Army1967 c.1970 c.Sinn Féin [Pre 1970]
Tomorrow's People1991 c.The Workers' Party
Torch, The [RMG]1972Revolutionary Marxist Group
Trade Unionist, TheUnknownNational Federation of Shop Stewards and Rank and File Committees
Trinity Student19721973 c.Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
TUCAR1978Trade Union Campaign Against Repression
TUCCAR19771978Trade Union Co-ordinating Committee Against Repression
Two Nations, The19711974 c.The Workers' Association
Ulster Socialist, The19751976Northern Ireland Labour Party
Unfree Citizen: For a 32 Co. Workers' and Small Farmers' Republic19691978People's Democracy
United Irishman, The (An tÉireannach Aontaithe)19481980Sinn Féin [Pre 1970], Sinn Féin [Official], Sinn Féin The Workers' Party
Unity19431946, 1961Communist Party of Northern Ireland, Communist Party of Ireland, Irish Communist Party
Unity News19731976 c. [Irregular]Sinn Féin
Vanguard19691970League for a Workers' Vanguard
Vanguard19711972Socialist Party of Ireland [1970]
Venceremos: Paper of the Patsy O'Hara Youth Movement19811982 c.Patsy O'Hara Youth Movement
Voice19962004Socialist Party
Voice of Revolution19841985Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
W.S.P. Bulletin1970 c.World Socialist Party
Watchword, The: Official organ of the Irish Trade Union Congress and the Irish Labour Party19301932Labour
Water Charges News1994 c.Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaign
Waterford People, The1990 c.1992 c.The Workers' Party
West Belfast Bulletin19831994 c.Sinn Féin
West Belfast News19861989The Workers' Party
Wildcat20022005 c.Anarchist Federation in Ireland, Organise!
Women For Freedom19841986 c.Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)
Women's Action19761979Socialist Women's Group, Belfast Women's Collective
Women's Bulletin SeriesUnknownRevolutionary Struggle
Women's Press1974 c.
Women's View: Ireland's current affairs quarterly19801989 c.Sinn Féin The Workers' Party, The Workers' Party
Women's Voice19921993Communist Party of Ireland
Wood Quay Occupation News1979
Words and Comment1967 c.1968 c.The Internationalists
Work in Progress1993 c.Democratic Left
Worker, The: For a Workers’ Republic and International Socialism19721977, 19801984 c.Socialist Workers' Movement
Worker, The [BICO]1969British and Irish Communist Organisation
Worker, The [RMG]1972 c.Revolutionary Marxist Group
Workers Briefing: Journal of Socialist Democracy1996 c.2000 c.Socialist Democracy
Workers League1978 c.Workers' League
Workers Solidarity19842013 c.Workers' Solidarity Movement
Workers Struggle19721974Workers' League
Workers Voice [SRG]19921993Socialist Revolutionary Group of Ireland
Workers' and Unemployed NewsUnknownWorkers and Unemployed Movement
Workers' Fight [MSR]1976 c.1978 c. [Irregular]Movement for a Socialist Republic
Workers' Life: The Magazine for Workers19801984Sinn Féin The Workers' Party, The Workers' Party
Workers' News1977Workers' League
Workers' Party Report19861987The Workers' Party
Workers' Republic19671988 c.Irish Workers' Group [1966], League for a Workers Republic
Workers' Republic [RSP]: Organ of the Revolutionary Socialist Party (Irish Section) Fourth International1947 c.Revolutionary Socialist Party
Workers' Republic, The18981903, 19151916Irish Socialist Republican Party
Workers' Republic, The [SPI]19211923Socialist Party of Ireland [1909], Communist Party of Ireland [1921]
Workers' Weekly: Workers' Association Bulletin19721988The Workers' Association
Working Class Action NewsletterUnknownWorking Class Action
Working Class Resistance2007 c.2008 c.Organise! (Solidarity Federation)
Young Republican20032004 c.Na Fianna Éireann [RSF]
Young Socialist1969 c.1974 c.Young Socialists
Young Socialist [SY]20002008 [Irregular]Socialist Party Youth
Young Worker19751979 c.Connolly Youth Movement
Young Worker [Cork]19681969Cork Young Socialists, Young Communist Group in Cork
Youth Bulletin19701972Irish Young Socialists
Z Magazine: An Alternative View1989