Democratic Left
Years Active:19921999
Other Names:New Agenda  (1992)
  Documents in Archive:10
  Publications:Times Change, The Free Press
  Emerged/Split from:The Workers' Party
  Merged with:Labour
Timeline:View in the timeline of the Irish left
Discuss:Comments on this organisation


Democratic Left was a democratic socialist party which was formed following a split in the Workers’ Party in 1992, which saw six of the Workers’ Party’s seven TDs and half the Ard Comhairle depart, under the leadership of Proinsias de Rossa.

It was initially named New Agenda, under which title it contested the 1992 Westminster elections. The party also supported a ‘Peace Coalition’ candidate, June Campion, in the 1994 European Parliament elections in Northern Ireland, along with the Green Party in Northern Ireland and some Labour groups.

Democratic Left participated in the 1994-1997 ‘rainbow coalition’ government with Fine Gael and Labour, in which de Rossa was Minister for Social Welfare. Following the loss of two of its six seats at the 1997 general election, the party entered talks with Labour and merged with the latter in 1999.


WikipediaDemocratic Left (Ireland) 


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Related Material

Items about Democratic Left.


A list of known publications from Democratic Left, including those not represented in the Irish Left Archive collection.

Cutting Edge1995 c.Democratic Left
Democratic Left1996 c.Democratic Left
Free Press, The: Newspaper of the Dublin North Central Branch Democratic Left1993 c.1996 c.Democratic Left
Kildare North Bulletin1996 c.Democratic Left
New Agenda19921996 c.Democratic Left
Times Change: Quarterly Political and Cultural Review19942000 c.Democratic Left, Labour
Work in Progress1993 c.Democratic Left

External Resources

Assorted Documents

TU Dublin Special Collections

Documents relating to Democratic Left annual delegate conferences.

Election Literature

Irish Election Literature

A number of election leaflets from the party and individual candidates.

Election Manifestos

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Includes election manifestos from 1992 and 1997.

Programme for Government

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Archive of programmes for government, which includes the ‘Rainbow Coalition’ of Democratic Left, Labour and Fine Gael.


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