Years Active:2014
Other Names:Anti-Austerity Alliance  (20142017)
  Documents in Archive:6
  Related Organisations: Socialist Party, Solidarity - People Before Profit
Timeline:View in the timeline of the Irish left
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Solidarity was formed, as the Anti-Austerity Alliance, in 2014 to combat increasing cuts to services after the economic crisis in Ireland. Its membership includes the Socialist Party (SP) and all Socialist Party candidates run under the AAA banner, though it also has non-SP local councillors and members.

In the 2016 General Election, the party formed an electoral alliance with People Before Profit (PBP), with the joint entity (Anti-Austerity Alliance - People Before Profit (AAA-PBP)) winning six seats, of which three are Solidarity (and also SP) members.

It adopted the new name of Solidarity in 2017.

Other names, groups or sections

  • Anti-Austerity Alliance

    Anti-Austerity Alliance

    Anti-Austerity Alliance is the former name of Solidarity, replaced in March 2017.


WikipediaSolidarity (Ireland) 


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External Resources

Election Manifesto

Irish Election Manifesto Archive

Includes the 2016 AAA election manifesto, as well as the joint ‘common principles’ manifesto of AAA-PBP.

Socialist Party & AAA Leaflets

Irish Election Literature

A number of leaflets and documents from the Socialist Party and Anti-Austerity Alliance, as well as individual candidates.


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