Why We Say Stop the Bombing: NATO out of the Balkans
Date:April 1999
Organisation: Socialist Workers' Party
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

25th March 2019

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this and other SWP related materials to the Archive.

An useful 8 page document to add to other SWP materials in the Archive, this strongly criticises the intervention in Yugoslavia in the late 1990s. The pamphlet is broken into short sections under headings such as ‘A Colonial War’, ‘Is Milosevic the new Hitler’, ‘How the Balkans Has Been Used’, ‘The Kosovan Liberation Army’, ‘The Spectre of War Returns’ and so on.

The pamphlet argues that only The Socialist Alternative can bring peace – and argues that interventions have twice functioned to increase support for Milosevic when his government appeared likely to fall. It concludes…

To get this sort of decent society we need to get rid of the capitalist system and those who run it.

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  • By: Phil Mon, 25 Mar 2019 10:56:16

    You can probably hear my teeth gritting from there. If there was ever a case of being right for the wrong reasons…!

    Reply on the CLR