Documents in the Archive:3
Associated Publications:An Caorthann, Ireland from Below, Interface
Discuss:Comments on Laurence Cox


Laurence Cox is an activist and writer on social movements, working class community activism, and global justice struggles. He has been involved in several publications included in the archive: An Caorthann, a magazine for environmental and Green movements associated with the Green Party in the 1990s; and Ireland from Below, an independent newspaper for social movements and activists in the 2000s. He is currently an editor of Interface, an online journal for and about social movements internationally.

He is Associate Professor of Sociology in Maynooth University. His books include Why Social Movements Matter, published in 2018, and most recently The Irish Buddhist: the forgotten monk who faced down the British Empire, which tells the story of a working class Irish man who became a leading Buddhist reformer and anti-colonial activist.

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