H-Block/Armagh News, Vol. 1, No. 6

Date: | 26th September 1981 |
Organisation: | Armagh/H-Block Action Group |
Publication: | Armagh / H-Block News |
Issue: | Volume 1, Number 6 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
24th July 2023
Many thanks to the person who donated this to the Archive.
This is an interesting document issued by H-Block/Armagh Action Group in Drumcondra, a campaign of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist). The contents is particularly interesting, the headline article ‘Violence: Whose Double Standards’ argue that ‘it is not the role of the H-Block Committee to either advocate or to condemn violence (after the manner of the establishment). Our concern is to fight for the prisoners’ demands because they are are just and reasonable.’ But it does argue against charges of ‘double-standards’ and it accuses ‘the John Humes and his ilk’ of losing credibility. It also argues that;
Nor do acts of resistance against the state’s forces in the north in any way detract for the justice of the demands of those already in prison.
Another piece asks ‘Can You Be A Socialist and Oppose the Five Demands?’ and it mentions ‘prominent people who call themselves socialists have come out to attack the present campaign in support of the demands of the prisoners… these figures include Joe Sherlock TD, spokesperson for ‘Sinn Fein the Works Party’ and ‘Socialists Against Nationalism’ in addition to all the leaders of the Coalition’s Labour Party, O’Leary and All’.
There’s Hunger Strike News that lists the names of those joining the Hunger Strike – these would have been those who joined from August 1981 onwards.
There are also details of a Cabra March which disarmingly notes that ‘initially members of the Gardai outnumbered those who were gathering’. And as always there are requests for people to ‘Join Your Local Action Group’.
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