Economic and Social Planning
Organisation: Labour
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

2nd July 2018

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

This joins a range of documents prepared by and for the Labour Party in the 1970s. The frontispiece has a short paragraph that reads:

This position paper is submitted to the 1978 Annual Conference of the Labour Party as a first step towards the development of party policy on this subject. It does not represent party policy at this time.

Across twenty pages it addresses Planning and Development and Institutions for Planning. Within those headings it examines General Issues, Economic and Social Planning, Past Policies, The Need for Growth and Jobs, Role of Enterprise and a range of other areas.

The Preamble is as cautious as the paragraph quoted above, noting that the document is‚ not a planor a blueprintfor economic and social development. It argues:

Economic and social planning should be a continuing activity under the aegis of Government a system of consultation with the trade unions, other organised groups and the community at large.

It also suggests that:

This Position Paper should be seen in the context of the Paper on the Party’s Fundamental Policy Position. It refers to gains for socialism which can be made now and into the 1980s if sufficient support for its views can be mobilised. In this sense this is a Paper to look into ways in which progress can be made in the economic and social fields in the short to medium term.

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