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Organisation: Sinn Féin
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

2nd June 2014

Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.

This is a fascinating document from 1971, a simple double sided leaflet, folded in DL panels. It seeks to present itself as:

…the same organisation as was founded in 1905 and has the same objectives as it set itself in 1918. Its most recent successes were in 1955-1958 when it had two candidates elected in the occupied North and found in the South.

It argues that:

The SF programme in the political sphere is aimed at contesting local and parliamentary elections north and south of the Border and re-establishing a 32-County Dáil which would seek to enforce its legislation over all Ireland. The social and economic policy is radical and aims at nationalisation of the currency, banks and key industries; state development of the natural resources on a large scale and the spread of co-operatives throughout agriculture, industry and trade.

Interestingly it doesn’t mention armed struggle as such though it does suggest that it may be on the brink of a ‘major breakthrough’ due to ‘the spirit of resurgence which has been generated in the Six Counties since the Civil Rights movement began to make progress in 1968’.

It also goes into some detail on ‘the SF attitude to the Westminster, Stormont and Leinster House Parliaments’.

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