Irish Reporter, No. 14

Date: | 1994 |
Publication: | Irish Reporter |
Issue: | Number 14 Second quarter 1994 |
Info | Colm Boyle, Raymond Boyle, Kevin Casey, Ethel Crowley, Graham Ellison, Tom Inglis, Martin McCabe, Lawrence McKeown, Monica McWilliams, Maurice Meehan, Bill Rolston, Kieran Rose, Brian Smeaton |
Type: | Publication Issue |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
13th May 2024
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
As noted previously on the Archive:
The Irish Reporter was a journal of discussion on political, social, cultural and historical questions, visual art and poetry, which was published from Dublin during the 1990s, on a co-operative and non-profit basis. It aimed to be progressive but open to diverse opinion on issues such as the national question in Ireland, globalisation, issues of class, gender, ethnicity and marginalisation, economics, human rights and ethics. Each edition had a different editor/guest editor.
This particular edition speaks for itself, being devoted to an analysis of the Irish Male.
As noted here the contents include:
Page 3: The Roles They Are A’Changing by Ethel Crowley Page 5: Truth And Fiction In Domestic Violence by Monica McWilliams Page 9: Reflections On The Men’s Movement by Maurice Meehan Page 10: Republican Men, Life Underneath The Stereotypes by Lawrence McKeown Page 12: Loyalism: Male, Macho And Marching by Sammy Douglas Page 14: The RUC, Drink, Dames And Debt by Graham Ellison Page16: Moving Hearts And Changing Minds by Kieran Rose Page 20: A Midwife’s Tale by Colm Boyle Page 22: A Very Touchy Subject: Priests, Masturbation And Confession by Tom Inglis Page 24: The Irish Male In Cinema by Martin McCabe Page 26: Sex And Violence, Images Of Men In Novels Of The Troubles by Bill Rolston Page 31: Game, Set And Macho, Masculinity And Irish Sport by Raymond Boyle Page 32: Men’s Groups, A Way To Tell Our Stories by Brian Smeaton Page 34: Glorious History Is Not For Us by Kevin Casey Page 35: Poem: The Pool Room by Seamas Keenan Page 36: Poem: Two Pints, Your Honour by Seamas Keenan
Reviews Page 36: An tÉireannach 1934-37, Éamon Ó Ciasáin Reviewed by Uinsionn Mac Dubhghaill Page 36: The Kilcolman Notebook, Robert Welch Reviewed by Anthony O’Keeffe
Two quotes from the editorial will suffice:
Whatever his exact nature, the Irish male has been formed under the influence of two major factors – patriarchy and colonialism.
And it also argues:
But as elsewhere the old certainties about what it means to be male are under stress and there is no doubt that the opportunities for new and varied definitions of maleness are greater than even a generation ago; witness the recent decriminalisation of homosexuality in the South. Some take this imprecision as a sign or hope, a harbinger of possible revolutionary change, while others see it as a threat. Insofar as the latter voices dominate the debate there is a very real possibility that the ‘new Irish male’ will be stillborn.
It is as an antidote to the pessimists that these articles are presented.
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