Joe McCann - Soldier of the People
Organisation: Sinn Féin [Official]
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Joe McCann
Soldier of the people

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Subjects: Joe McCann

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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution

11th April 2014

This was produced by Official Sinn Féin and is based on a photograph taken on 10th August 1971 during a firefight with British soldiers. As this fascinating overview in History Ireland  notes:

It is an image so dramatic and so visually striking that it seems almost composed. The print media snapped it up. It first appeared in the Daily Mirror and later received much wider, transatlantic, circulation in a photo-spread in Life Magazine (it did not, however, as has been claimed, feature on the cover). Life’s commentary certainly burnished the legend.

The September 1971 edition of the United Irishman reprinted the photograph under the heading ‘Army of the People’.

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