Left Tribune, Vol. 2, No. 6

Date: | 2007 |
Organisation: | Labour Youth |
Publication: | Left Tribune |
Issue: | Volume 2, Number 6 Autumn 2007 |
Type: | Publication Issue |
View: | View Document |
Discuss: | Comments on this document |
Subjects: | General Election, 2007 |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
30th March 2020
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive.
Left Tribune, ‘The magazine for Labour Youth in Ireland’, from Autumn 2007 in 24 pages offers an interesting snapshot into that organisation and the Labour Party during that period. Inside it argues that ‘we operate on the basis of a sustainable and democratic socialist ethos’. And it notes that the paper the magazine is printed on is ’50% recycled and 50% from sustainable forests’. It also notes opinions within are not necessarily those of Labour Youth or the Labour Party.
The cover suggests the need for a ‘left alternative’. Inside it examines the contenders for the Deputy Leader race. It also notes the election of Eamon Gilmore as new leader of the ILP. It notes him saying he ‘reaffirms’ support for Labour policy to remove the US military from Shannon Airport.
Other pieces consider Labour Youth activities ‘around the campuses’, outline how the organisation ‘works’ and offer a retrospective on the 2007 election and the ILP performance at it. LPY members reflect on the issue of female participation in Irish politics – in 2007 just 22 women were elected to the Dáil. There is an article on a Living Wage.
In international matters the magazine examines Palestine, Darfur and Cuba. There’s also a piece on Belarus.
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By: tomasoflatharta Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:11:48
Has Seán Sherlock TD, Cork East, sentenced the Irish Labour Party to Death? The Personal Greed of this Deputy might be too embarrassing for some of colleagues – he names a government department – Seán Sherlock, Minister for Social Protection – that is the target :
Mr Sherlock said that social welfare payments may “need to be dramatically restructured and paid in a different way”, meaning that a “social protection minister with a mandate” may be needed.
Will there also be a job on the 2020 coalition government benches for the new Labour Leader, Alan Kelly or Aodhán Ó Ríordáin? We may be witnessing the death agony of a party founded in 1912 by the revolutionary trade union leaders James Connolly and James Larkin. https://tomasoflatharta.wordpress.com/2020/03/30/labour-should-enter-unity-government-to-deal-with-coronavirus-says-cork-east-td-sean-sherlock/
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