Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Years Active: | 2001– |
Documents in Archive: | 6 |
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The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign was founded in 2001 to oppose Israel’s occupation of Palestine. It is an independent, non-party organisation.
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Show: By publication | Chronological list
Boycott HP
- 2005 - Show the World that the Irish People Are Opposed to Israeli Occupation of Palestine
- 2005 - Support Palestine On June 4th: Demonstrate Against Israel’s Occupation
- 2005 - Support Palestine On June 4th: Demonstrate Against Israel’s Occupation
- 2023 - Boycott HP
- 2023 - Boycott Israeli Apartheid
- 2023 - Israeli Restrictions on Palestinian Food Sovereignty Affect Every Item on This Table
Comments 1
My letter to the Irish government
By: Dónal Ó Murchú | 13th January 2024, 4:38pm
Dear Mr. Varadker and those within government,
I hope this email finds you all in good health, however, I'd imagine in much better health than those in Palestine right now.
As a feeling/thinking human being with empathy and compassion for those less fortunate than myself, I am writing to express my profound disgust and disappointment regarding the recent genocidal events unfolding in Palestine.
As a concerned Irish citizen, I feel compelled to comment on the gravity of the situation and the desperate need for immediate action for the Palestinian people.
It is disheartening and heartbreaking to witness, day in and day out, the ongoing genocide in Palestine and the lack of decisive measures taken by your government to address this catastrophic humanitarian disaster.
The colossal loss of innocent lives, many who are children, and the devastation caused by the Israeli onslaught demand immediate action and intervention from leaders such as yourself. The Irish people demand action instead of your usual bluster and downplaying of genocide.
Furthermore, I am deeply troubled by our nation's failure to recognise Palestine as an independent state/country. I was not aware until recently that Ireland does not officially recognise Palestine as its own state/country.
As a historically colonised nation ourselves, we should empathise with the struggles of other oppressed people and support their right to self-determination.
Again, the Irish people demand that the Irish government recognises Palestine as a state/country. Anything less is an affront to those who died for independence and our own struggles caused by colonisation on this island.
Additionally, I want to express my concern and disappointment involving your statements regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A statement was made about Israel being a democracy and you made a very specific reference to your sexuality in that gay people are able to live freely and peacefully in Israel.
As a gay man myself, it deeply troubles me to witness the weaponisation of one's sexuality to condone or support any form of violence or warfare, including the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Just because Palestine isn't "westernised" enough does not mean it deserves any form of ill treatment of its people. For crying out loud, it even took Ireland long enough to decriminalise homosexuality.
It is important that all leaders uphold the values of empathy, peace, and respect for human rights, regardless of their personal life. I'm implore you to do the same.
Furthermore, your mentioning of Israel being a democracy is laughable given that basic human rights are given to some in Israel which is depended upon both ethnicity and background.
I am forever troubled by the disparity in rights between Palestinians with Israeli citizenship and Israeli citizens themselves. The very principle of democracy demands equal treatment and rights for all citizens within a nation, regardless of their ethnicity or background. It is important that we work towards a more inclusive and equitable society that respects the dignity and rights of all individuals, including those of Palestinians.
Under the guise of self-defense and with the backing of the West, including the Irish government, Israel has implemented decades long oppressive policies and practices that have led to the displacement and suffering of millions of Palestinians. The construction of illegal settlements in the West Bank, the blockade on the Gaza Strip, and the systematic denial of essential resources such as water and electricity, and services to Palestinian communities are clear indications of the apartheid-like regime in place. Clear, systematic genocide.
Israel's actions are reminiscent of the heinous acts perpetrated by Nazi Germany. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been indiscriminately bombing places of refuge such as Palestinian schools, hospitals, mosques, and churches, claiming countless innocent lives. This brazen and emboldened disregard for human life and basic human rights is a grave violation of international law.
*The IDF is indiscriminately bombing Palestinian schools, mosques, churches, refugee camps, graveyards, civilian buildings, etc.
*The IDF is actively stripping adults and even children to their underwear in an effort to dehumanise and humiliate them. This is clear sexual violence.
*The IDF is snipering anything that moves, whether they are Christians hiding in a church, ambulance and care workers attending to patients, journalists documenting these atrocities or innocent Palestinians fleeing to supposed safety.
*There is allegedly new evidence of looting being carried out by the IDF in stripping Palestinians of not just their dignity and even their lives, but their belongings, too.
As a nation that has its own history of struggle against oppression, one would expect Ireland to stand firmly against any form of genocide, discrimination, or ethnic cleansing. This is why I also want to express my deep disgust, embarrassment, and shame regarding your failure to support the South African genocidal case against Israel. As an Irish citizen, it is disheartening to witness our government remaining silent while such atrocities are being committed. Hang thy head in shame any one of you reading this who say and do nothing.
The Irish government must support and back South Africa in their objective to prosecute Israel with genocide
The Irish government's inaction casts a dark, dark shadow on Ireland's reputation as a defender of human rights and a champion for justice.
We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of an entire population, especially when evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity are so abundantly clear.
It is vital that the Irish government not only asserts its voice and condemns Israel's actions in the strongest possible terms, but puts in place sanctions, too.
We must remind ourselves of our own struggles for independence and the importance of standing up against injustice and oppression. Remaining silent is akin to endorsing the violation of human dignity and the perpetuation of violence.
I implore the Irish government to reconsider its embarrassing silent stance and to actively support the South African genocidal case against Israel.
By taking a firm stand against these Israeli violators of international law, we can ensure that justice prevails, and that future generations are not burdened with the guilt of remaining complacent in the face of such atrocities.
Please do not let history remember Ireland as a nation that failed to fulfill its moral obligations. Let us show the world that we are committed to justice, peace, and the preservation of basic human rights.
I implore you, Mr. Varadker, to use your position of influence and power to advocate for an end to the violence in Palestine and to work towards recognising Palestine as its own state/country. Your voice carries weight, and your actions can make a difference in the lives of countless Palestinians (as well as those Israelis who want no part in this) suffering in this heinous genocide.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that you will take immediate steps to address these pressing concerns.
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