Political Status for All Irish Republican Prisoners! Free All Anti-Imperialist political Prisoners!

Date: | 2013 |
Organisation: | Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group |
Info | Stephen Murney |
Type: | Leaflet |
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Commentary From The Cedar Lounge Revolution
10th April 2024
Many thanks to the person who forwarded this to the Archive. This is a newsletter/leaflet issued by the Irish Republican Prisoners Support Group, based in London, which details Republican prisoners held in British prisons. These would be prisoners from groups who dissent from the Good Friday Agreement/Belfast Agreement.What is notable is the anti-imperialist framing of the leaflet.
It demands:
Political Status for All Irish Republican prisoners!
Free all anti-Imperialist political prisoners!
Free Irish, Basque, Palestinian, Kurdish, Naxalite and all anti-Imperialist POWs!
Those referenced include Marian Price. The piece notes that:
She was allowed only a few hours to her sister’s Dolours wake on 27 January. Dolours’ massive funeral was attended by prominent republican figures including Colin Duffy, Paul Maskey, Danny Morrison and Hugh Feeney, showing that “they have not gone away”: They = opposition to British Imperialism
Others include Martin Corey and Éirígí activist Stephen Murney.
The piece includes notice of a Public Meeting on the issue – jointly held by the IRPSG and Brent Labour Representation Committee. Those speaking include:
Diarmuid Mac Dubhghlais: Ard-Cisteoir, Republican Sinn Féin
Egoitz Ibaibarriaga: Basque POWs Graham Durham: LRC London Or-ganiser Isabel Counihan- Sanchez: Couni-han-Sanchez Homeless Campaign
Speaker from Frontline Socialist Party, Sri Lanka, on Tamil POWs Michael Holden: Chair of IRPSG Chair: Gerry Downing IRPSG
There is also an account by Stephen Murney of his experiences in Maghaberry.
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